Phase 1 audit of outcomes, testimonials, case studies, outcomes of BIV/PoC projects
Click on each title to open the document
Case studies: Bioremediation and biorecovery
Case studies: Biometalic nanoparticles
Case studies: Bioprocessing – protein production
Case studies: Bioprocessing – metalloenzymes and biotransformations
Case studies: New technologies
Case studies: Bioenergy
Case studies: Nutrition
Case studies: Consumer products and antimicrobials
Individual case studies:
Arginine-terminated LPMOs: a new face in biomass breakdown? Follow-on studies
Enhancing E.coli for optimal cofactor insertion into heme-containing proteins
Metallo-enzymes for production of nootkatol a potential new citrus flavour
Improving biocatalytic processes by enzyme stability enhancement
Adding value to biocatalytic hydroxylation products for synthesis and drug discovery
New routes for the expression of heme protein targets
Assessing the bioavailability of metal ions accumulated by DRAM filters
Studies into the uptake and distribution of metal oxide nanoparticles in plants
Bioaccumulation of platinum from waste
Adding value to galactomannan polysaccharides with copper enzymes
Creating new starch-active copper LPMOs through the generation of loop libraries
LPMOs: a new face in biomass breakdown?
Exploiting the commercial potential of novel biometallic catalysts
Biosynthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles for fine and speciality chemical production
Engineering metal-dependent biotin synthase for the biotechnological production of biotin
Investigating uptake and catalytic potential of Miscanthus grown on palladium mine wastes
Investigating the antimicrobial properties of copper-infused fabrics
Mag-Tag: magnetite nanoparticle affinity tags for industrial biotechnology protein purification
Kent and UCB partner on a new strategy to boost antibody production
Exploiting a copper-dependent chaperone system to improve bioprocessing of therapeutic antibodies
Metal demands during protein overexpression in bacteria
Metal utilisation in Clostridium microbial biocatalysts
Optimizing metal acquisition by commercial metalloenzymes
Novel disposable cell culture systems for microbial growth in metal regulated environments
Cloning and metal analysis of recombinant aldehyde ferredoxin oxidoreductase
A collaborative journey to greener chemicals
Proline hydroxylases for use in biocatalysis
Analysis of ferritin iron in pea flour
Household biofilm chelation therapy
King’s College and ZiNIR chip-in to design a novel imaging system
Maximising biomarker detection sensitivity through metal-enhanced fluorescence
Site-specific bioconjugate chemistry for antibody nanoparticle conjugates
Workshops kickstart a Rhodococcus molecular toolkit
Metal-related antimicrobials: targeting the Achilles heel of bad bugs
Outcomes of business interaction voucher projects
Outcomes of proof of concept projects
Other outcomes:
Metal-related antimicrobials
Metals are the elements of life
Elements of the bioeconomy
Researchers come together to push green science forward
Workshops kickstart a Rhodococcus molecular toolkit
Microbiology of metals ions