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Join us

Please complete this form to become a member of E3B: Metals in Biology Network, a BBSRC NIBB. Membership is free of charge and remains open to new members joining for the duration of the Network.

It is the responsibility of individual members to ensure their membership information is up to date, and to inform the Network of any required changes by contacting [email protected]. If you want to terminate your membership you should either contact us or click ‘unsubscribe’ on a newsletter that you receive from us.

Please read our privacy notice before completing the form.

Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

You will not receive a confirmation email.

The data that you submit on this form will be transferred to BBSRC-UKRI (in line with our privacy notice). Your email address will be used by BBSRC-UKRI to create a unique identifier but will never be used by BBSRC-UKRI to contact you.

We also recommend that you join us on twitter