
This E3B BBSRC network formally ended on 30 September 2024 (a BBSRC-funded network that promoted collaborations between industry and academia).
This website will be maintained and contains related case studies and other resources.
Activities related to metals in engineering biology (meetings, training, funding) will continue under the new BBSRC ELEMENTAL hub which you are encouraged to join here. The BBSRC NIBB are considered a success and there are plans for more IB-related networks.
This Durham, Kent and Manchester Universities-led network was one of six phase II BBSRC NIBB, announced in November 2018 and promoted the following objectives:
The Network brings together scientific communities working on metals in biology to accelerate research relevant to industrial biotechnology and bioenergy. Almost a half of the reactions of life are catalysed by metals. This means a large proportion of bio-industries depend directly, or indirectly, on the catalytic activities of metals in proteins. Academic members work with biomanufacturing and bioenergy sectors to enhance metalloenzyme activities to generate new products and increase the profitability and sustainability of existing products. Company members work with academia to valorise metal-contaminated wastes, bio-remediating and bio-recovering metals in valuable forms – an important contribution to a sustainable circular economy. We have a flyer that summarises the Network.
You can also access the beta-versions of a metalation calculator with some further details on the resources pages.
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