Bio-recovery of technology relevant metals
Kimpton Clocktower Hotel and Maldron Hotel, Manchester
An E3B and EBNet BBSRC NIBB meeting
Tuesday 12th December 2023
12:00 Arrival at Kimpton Clocktower Hotel (Whitworth), registration and poster set-up (AV desk available).
12:30 Lunch, poster viewing and networking (AV desk available).
13:30 Opening remarks.
13:30 ‘Welcome and housekeeping’ Nigel Robinson (Claire Warren Durham University, Louise Byfield University of Southampton) (5 min)
13:35 ‘Introduction’ Jon Lloyd The University of Manchester (10 min)
13:45 Session chair: Jon Lloyd The University of Manchester
13:45 ‘Biotechnology’s role in the future of mining’ Manon Duret Anglo American (25 plus 5 min)
14:15 ‘Bio-processing mine wastes for recovering metals: extraction of nickel from pyrrhotite tailings (Sudbury, Canada)’ Barrie Johnson Bangor University (25 plus 5 min)
14:45 Flash presentations (5 min each x 6)
‘Development of a sustainable bioremediation platform for cadmium-contaminated rivers’ Anaëlle Vilatte University College London
‘Biodiversity of aerobic methanotrophs as a resource for metal recovery’ Thomas Smith Sheffield Hallam University
‘Bacteria consortia metal sequestration from Sargassum seaweed’ Peter Adams Sargassum Seaweed Services
‘Hexavalent chromium waste removal via bioelectrochemical systems–a life cycle assessment perspective’ Siddharth Gadkari University of Surrey
‘Engineering enhanced metal tolerance in Shewanella oneidensis MR-1’ Paul Kelly The University of Manchester
‘A metalation calculator for the cytoplasm’ Sophie Clough Durham University
15:15 Refreshment break, poster viewing and networking (AV desk available).
16:00 Session chair: Neil Bruce University of York
16:00 ‘Phytoremediation and phytomining metals’ Liz Rylott University of York (25 plus 5 min)
16:30 ‘Bioflocculants for metal removal and recovery’ Helena Gomes University of Nottingham (25 plus 5 min)
17:00 ‘Green Biotechnology – harnessing the power of Azolla for metal ion sequestration’ James Hyatt Keele University (10 plus 5 min)
17:15 Poster viewing, discussion and cash bar (AV desk available).
18:30 Buffet dinner.
19:30 Session chair: Liz Rylott University of York
19:30 ‘Recovery of rare earth metals using anaerobic bioreactors’ Piet Lens University of Galway, Ireland (35 plus 10 min)
20:15 Poster viewing, networking and cash bar (conference room closes at 22:00).
Transfer to Maldron Hotel overnight for B&B (2 min walk).
Wednesday 13th December 2023
Kimpton Clocktower Hotel (Whitworth).
08:15 AV desk opens.
08:45 Session chair: Louise Natrajan The University of Manchester
08:45 ‘Using methylotrophs to recover rare earth elements’ Simon Gregory British Geological Survey (25 plus 5 min)
09:15 ‘Towards the rational design of REE binding proteins’ Sam Hay The University of Manchester (25 plus 5 min)
09:45 ‘Protein-based recovery and separation of critical metals’ Joey Cotruvo Pennsylvania State University, USA (35 plus 10 min)
10:30 Refreshment break, poster viewing and networking (AV desk available).
11:00 Session chair: Jen Cavet The University of Manchester
11:00 ‘Rare-earth physiology in the extreme eukaryotic alga Galdieria: relevance to remediation of electronics wastes’ Seth Davis University of York (25 plus 5 min)
11:30 ‘Rare earth elements biorecovery using Methylotrophs’ Ying Zhang University of Nottingham (10 plus 5 min)
11:45 ‘Farming for rhenium: status and promise’ Luis Novo SRUC Scotland’s Rural College (10 plus 5 min)
12:00 Flash presentations (5 min)
‘Ln-dependent biological systems: Paving new ways for bio-recovery of f-block-elements’ Philippe de Bary Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
12:05 Lunch and poster viewing (AV desk available).
13:30 Session chair: James Galman Johnson Matthey
13:30 ‘Microbial synthesis of critical-metal nanoparticles and their applications’ Louise Horsfall The University of Edinburgh (25 plus 5 min)
14:00 ‘Microbial electrochemical technology for metal bio-recovery: Closing the loop’ Claudio Avignone Rossa University of Surrey (25 plus 5 min)
14:30 ‘Exploring the application of extracellular cytochromes for metal recovery and cell-free compartmentalised catalysis’ Tom Clarke University of East Anglia (25 plus 5 min)
15:00 Flash presentations (5 min each x 2)
‘Optimising Cu(II) bioreduction and biorecovery with Shewanella Oneidensis-MR1’ Natalie Byrd The University of Manchester
‘The bioreduction and biorecovery of Au(III) by Shewanella Oneidensis’ Jinxin Xie The University of Manchester
15:10 Refreshment break, poster viewing and networking (AV desk available).
15:45 Session chair: Ana Santos Natural History Museum
15:45 ‘Iron biogeobatteries: Interactions with bacteria and metal contaminants’ James Byrne University of Bristol (25 plus 5 min)
16:15 ‘Biorecovery of lithium from minerals and brines’ Laura Newsome University of Exeter, Camborne School of Mines (25 plus 5 min)
16:45 ‘Nature-inspired metal recovery process’ Abhishek Lahiri Brunel University London (10 plus 5 min)
17:00 ‘Magnetosomes from magnetotactic bacteria as adsorbents of critical metals and chemicals’ Alfred Fernandez-Castane Aston University (10 plus 5 min)
17:15 Flash presentation (5 min)
‘Bionanoparticles for copper recovery and valorization from distillery waste streams’ Richard Kimber The University of Manchester
17:20 Discussion and cash bar (Refuge Bar).
18:45 Dinner with keynote lecture (AV desk available).
19:45 Session chair: Jon Lloyd The University of Manchester
19:45 ‘Nature-based solutions for a cradle-to-cradle approach to mining and metal recovery’ Richard Herrington Natural History Museum (40 min)
20:30 Dessert served after lecture followed by cash bar, poster viewing and networking (conference room closes at 22:00).
Transfer to Maldron Hotel for B&B (2 min walk).
Thursday 14th December 2023
Kimpton Clocktower Hotel (Whitworth).
08:15 AV desk opens.
08:45 Session chair: Devin Sapsford Cardiff University
08:45 ‘Engineering bacterial metal uptake and acquisition’ Martin Warren University of Kent and Quadram Institute (25 plus 5 min)
09:15 ‘Engineering bacterial cytosolic buffering for improved metal tolerance’ Peter Chivers Durham University (25 plus 5 min)
09:45 ‘Looking back to move forward: understanding biological interactions in mining environments for novel biotechnologies applications’ Julio Castillo Hernandez University of the Free State, South Africa (25 plus 5 min)
10:15 ‘London Metallomics Facility and ISM9 in 2024’ Theodora Stewart King’s College London (5 min)
10:20 ‘The EBNet BBSRC NIBB’ Louise Byfield University of Southampton (5 min)
10:25 Refreshment break, poster viewing and networking (AV desk available).
11:00 ‘Unlocking the hidden value of industrial by-products using bioleaching: Opportunities and challenges’ Frederic Coulon Cranfield University (25 plus 5 min)
11:30 ‘Harnessing microbial metal reduction for the biosynthesis of high value nanoparticles from industrial waste’ Jon Lloyd The University of Manchester (25 plus 5 min)
12:00 ‘Bioscience for advanced manufacturing and clean growth’ Chloë Heywood BBSRC (10 plus 10 min)
12:20 ‘Closing remarks’ Jon Lloyd The University of Manchester (10 min)
12:30 Buffet lunch, networking, and collection of posters.
Use this booking form to register.
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